
The estate is located in the Alcàntara Valley at 580 meters at the foot of the North Etna.
Tenuta Rustìca take his name from the "Contrada" that covers approximately 140 hectares of land.
Due to the presence of both the Volcano and the River the geological profile is just unique,
Since ancient times "Valdemone" take advantage from his one of a kind ecological characteristics.
The success of Sicily’s olive grove cultivation began with the introduction
of the European Olive (Olea Europea) by the Phoenicians during the XII century B.C.
Grape cultivation between Mount Etna and the Ionian Sea dates back to the XVII century B.C,
as described in the Odyssey and confirmed by the discovery of ancient vineyards and wine presses.
From the second half of the XVIII century wine production spurred a significant alteration of the landscape and also saw immense economic, demographic and urban development.
In the 1800s ‘Grand Tour’ travelers would describe the former County of Mascali
as a true “Mediterranean Garden”.
Today Etna is considered a gem nestled in a legendary territory.

Despite having been abandoned for thousands of years, the Rocca Pizzicata’s sandstone structure houses a variety of interesting elements. The formation appears to have been principally used as an altar, looking out towards the Ionian Sea.
To the North-West also stands a number of unusual rock structures, among them the remains of a chamber likely used as a tomb. Continuing upwards one finds a Greek Agora created sometime between the IV-III centuries BC, before eventually arriving at a fantastically preserved Byzantine wine press.
Beyond the altar one can also find a shelter most likely used by people from the ancient Greek city of Tindari during the Byzantine occupation in the VI Century AD. At a later state (from the XVIII century AD) the shelter could possibly have been used as a hideout for local bandits.